used as a foliar spray to control termites & humni worm on sugarcane, hopper on mango, aphids, whiteflies, jassids, and thrips on cotton, BPH, WBPH, and GLH on paddy, aphids, aphids, and thrips on chillis, Aphid, Jassids, and Thrips on Okra, Jassids, Thrips, and Whiteflies on Sunflower Citrus fruits have Leaf Miners and Psylia, groundnuts have Aphids and Jassids, grapes have Flea Beetles, and tomatoes have Whiteflies.
Stop actions by interfering with an insect’s nervous system’s ability to transmit impulses. It works by stimulating specific nerve cells that interact with a receptor protein. Insects that have received treatment pass away as a result of nervous system dysfunction. It is distinguished by having superior systemic characteristics.
Spray using a hand-held sprayer. Sprayer placed on a tractor may also be used.
Application & Dose: Foliar Spray Application: 3-5 ml / Ltr of water.
Drip –Soil Application: 1 Ltr / Acre (200 Ltr Water).
Drenching Application: 3-5ml/ Ltr of water.
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