Terminate Humani Worm Control Powder
Terminate Humani Worm Control Powder


  1. A wide variety of pests can be effectively controlled in various ways with this 100% organic, ISO-certified product.
  2. Effective against a variety of plant pests, including but not restricted to fruit and shoot borer, trips, mites, aphids, white flies, green leaf hopper, cotton boll worm, and Humni worm.
  3. Acts as a deterrent and an anti-feedant, stopping the pest from taking additional food.
  4. Reduces the insect’s ability to lay eggs and has ovicidal effects.
  5. It has systemic effects and leaves no traces on soil or plants.
  6. A minimum of seven to eight days must pass before results become visible.

Used as a foliar spray to control termites & humni worm on sugarcane, hopper on mango, aphids, whiteflies, jassids, and thrips on cotton, BPH, WBPH, and GLH on paddy, aphids, aphids, and thrips on chillis, Aphid, Jassids, and Thrips on Okra, Jassids, Thrips, and Whiteflies on Sunflower Citrus fruits have Leaf Miners and Psylia, groundnuts have Aphids and Jassids, grapes have Flea Beetles, and tomatoes have Whiteflies.

Stop actions by interfering with an insect’s nervous system’s ability to transmit impulses. It works by stimulating specific nerve cells that interact with a receptor protein. Insects that have received treatment pass away as a result of nervous system dysfunction. It is distinguished by having superior systemic characteristics.

Mix 250 gm of Terminate powder in 20 liters of water. Add 250 gm of jaggery, 250 gm of lentil flour, and 2 native eggs to the mixture. Let it sit for 12 to 14 hours, then add 180 liters of water before using it.

Spray using a hand-held sprayer. Sprayer placed on a tractor may also be used.

Application & Dose: Foliar Spray Application: 3-5 ml / Ltr of water.

Drip –Soil Application: 1 Ltr / Acre (200 Ltr Water).

Drenching Application: 3-5ml/ Ltr of water.


Weight0.25 kg

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